Dodo Babies 5 pc set - Bib, Pacifier, Burp Clothes

Currency:CAD Category:Liquidations Start Price:2.00 CAD Estimated At:NA
Dodo Babies 5 pc set - Bib, Pacifier, Burp Clothes
Disclaimer: Most of the items are sold by quantity. The starting bid is based on the price per piece. For example, if a lot contains 35 pieces and the starting bid is $1 per piece, the total price for the lot would be $35. Please note that bids are placed on a per-piece basis, and the total price will reflect the quantity in each lot. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact Umer at (236) 591-0464.
7 pc Set For Babies - Retail Value $24.57 /pc - $1,228.50 - https://www.amazon.ca/Dodo-Babies-Pacifier-Absorbent-Excellent/dp/B07MZ19XNF/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=6YN1BSGJMKO8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zrZ3P7f1nrorIk4gtQFiOLZUY9rr83OpU5NlHC1RSC63AJOQ7tWlEwaw5xO-LORGEi-Kz7N8Zk7-wPdvEppRokJ-sdKo-0vt8l_3QpW-xYwUiA0S89wvT5WluWIMN7b5LLGoWNZsZbs02jLSa1cYg1E9qvBkWiBeIB6VQ_rDcc576dgDNZHGz8GK64Tq2ShVN8R2W2bc0YTfyOGKn63ErO3Jr1LTHYOaiV-mzYhvCKGyHzMsLv0uJ3gWkzedOowLO8XePh8KWFgAG7BGDn1UxSwurBcw59VJDxIbcLu_6rY.9ej8ruk5RN1GtlnA99Kl5hDDMo_0-SCMbJk_YjKk0BE&dib_tag=se&keywords=dodo%2Bbabies%2Bbibs%2B4%2Bset&qid=1732473180&sprefix=dodo%2Bbabies%2Bbibs%2B4%2Bset%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1